Size: 65″ Wide x 82.5″ High
Pattern by Penny Rose Designs
Quilted by: Elaine Doornbos

The Full Quilt

Flowers in perspective

In 2007, I took a quilting class with Marilynn Wiebe in Canada and we worked on this Penny Rose pattern. Once I finished the front of this quilt I was not happy, and so it sat in a drawer will 2016, when I decided to work on it again. Ms. Wiebe did not like borders and insisted that the pattern should edge the border. However, I thought it was too busy, and to calm it down I finished it with a border and added the Prairie Points. Even after that addition, I thought something was missing and found a garland of flowers that I dismantled it and meticulously attached to the quilt. There must be over 100 flowers that I appliquéd onto it by hand.

So it took 12 years from start to finish, but after all this time I am very happy with it and call it complete.