A Little Bit About Me
I started quilting a little over twenty years ago and really got the bug after moving from Michigan to New Mexico in 2000. I had some sewing skills, but after taking a couple of quilting classes with friends, I realized how much I enjoyed the process of quilt-making. Initially, I started off making more traditional style quilts based on fabrics and patterns by Thimbleberries®. I still enjoy those quilts, but when I look at them now, I realize that my technique needed a lot of improvement. After taking lots of classes and interacting with wonderful quilt makers and teachers, my skills have dramatically improved. Linda Clark of Kenora, Canada, who owns a beautiful quilting shop, Born to Quilt, was very influential. Linda is an incredibly gifted long-arm quilter, and she really pushed me to do my best work. I think, she is one of the main reasons why I now have such high expectations of my own craftsmanship. I strive for accuracy and precision in all phases of my quilting. I really appreciate what other quilters have done, particularly when I see a high-level of workmanship, whether it is a well-constructed pattern, the quilting, or binding.
The UU Bee quilting group part of the Las Colcheras Quilt Guild in Las Cruces, New Mexico, and the quilters from Sioux Narrows and the Lake of the Woods Quilting Guild in Kenora, Ontario have also been a great source of inspiration and learning.
My Thoughts on Quilting
Taking lots of classes also let me explore a wide variety of quilting techniques and approaches. This exposure has also caused a significant change in the way I think about quilting and the kinds of quilts that I like to do now. I have gotten away from traditional quilt patterns and very much enjoy more alternative styles. I especially like using a broad color palette and am particularly fond of bright colors that would be out of place in a traditional quilt. I like embellishing a pattern and also try to visualize the quilt in my mind and explore how it might come together. When it turns out the way I had pictured it, it is very satisfying. Although, sometimes, I don’t have the ability to pull it off. I am not a fast quilter, and sometimes it takes a while to figure out how to do what I am looking for. I don’t quilt every day, but do try and spend at least an hour quilting on most days. I tend to have many quilts going at one time and wish I was better at finishing them before starting on another. However, it is too much fun to start planning and pulling things together for a new project. I am also a big fan of high-quality fabrics, particularly batiks that display colors and textures with great emphasis. The patina of hand-dyed fabrics has also inspired some of my pieces. Scouting for fabrics is also a passion of mine, and finding the right one to add to my extensive stash keeps me interested.
For me, quilting is a form of creative expression, and I enjoy the quilting process in all its phases. Ultimately and most importantly, if friends and family like the quilt, that is what matters to me. At the same time, I do enjoy winning quilt show awards; however, that is not my primary motivation. I understand that most quilt guilds can not afford to hire more than one judge, but I wish they would start using panel judging, as is the case in art, wine, and beer judging. Most judges try to be fair, but their likes and dislikes seem to come through in the process. I feel it is important for quilters to enter shows, to show their work, and let people see the amazing work quilters can produce.
As I look at my entire portfolio of work featured on this website, I have to conclude that I enjoyed my quilting journey and hope I can keep improving in the years ahead.
Compliments from my Family
David Newman
Janice is a wonderful woman, wife, and mother. I admire her creativity, and am proud of all her quilting accomplishments.
My role in the development process has been of an advisor, driver to all the quilt shops, and occasional schlepper of all her work. I enjoyed every minute of it.

The Eisch Family
My mom has always had a skill for sewing and she was skilled in other crafts. However, quilting is where her talent really comes through. She has produced many quilts and the level of complexity and quality seem to increase with each project she completes. I especially enjoy the quilted wall hangings that display landscape themes. She has consistently shown herself to have an excellent eye for color and fabric selection. Her passion for quilting has gifted us with several family heirlooms that will be passed from generation to generation. The fact that she won many awards in competitive quilt shows is testament to her creativity and artistic ability. She is a true ARTIST, and I feel blessed and grateful to be able to display her work in our home and in my office and have enjoyed hearing all of the compliments for these pieces of art.

B&O Newman
Fabulous Undertaking

My Expression of Gratitude
I want to thank everyone who has helped me along the way and continue to support my passion for quilting.
Las Colcheras Quilt Guild, Las Cruces, New Mexico
UU Bee, Las Cruces, New Mexico
Artists of Picacho Hill, Las Cruces, New Mexico
Sioux Narrows Quilts, Sioux Narrows, Ontario, Canada
Lake of the Woods Quilting Guild, Kenora, Ontario, Canada
Mentors & Collaborators
Linda Clark – Mentor, instructor, and longarm quilter, who has quilted many of my award-winning quilts.
Elaine Doornbos – longarm quilter
Dona Woloschuck – owner and manager of Quilter’s Quarters that unfortunately had to close
I have taken numerous classes and the instructors and quilt pattern designers who influenced my work the most are Nancy Bergman, Kathleen Bissette, Pam Bono, Carol Doak, Elaine Doornbos, Norah McMeekin, Paula Nadelstern, Judy Niemeyer, Andi Perejda, Kimberly Rado, Ann Shaw, Ricky Tims, Marsha Trueax, Michelle Watts, and Donna Woloschuk.
I am a fabricaholic, and every store has a fabric I need. Still, there are few that I cannot live without, and I want to highlight here.
Be Sew Creative – The Bernina Shop in Las Cruces, New Mexico, is owned and managed by Marsha and Izzy Cowan.
Born to Quilt in Kenora, Canada is owned and managed by Linda Clark.
Studio 53 Fabric and Gifts in International Falls, Minnesota is owned by Val Sjoblom.
Betty’s the Pink Store in Fort Frances, Canada is managed by Doug and Blair Anderson. They always have some fabrics I have not seen anywhere else. It’s a treat.
Up North Quilt Shop, International Falls, Minnesota
Southwest Decoratives, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Thread Bear, Las Cruces, New Mexico
This website is my way to share my quilting accomplishments with the world.
I want to thank everyone who has contributed to this incredible undertaking.
Website Development: Olimpia Newman
Photography: Jack Diven www.jackdivenphotography.com; Olimpia Newman, Bruce Jay, Beth Eisch
Writer and Editor: Brent Newman
Developing this website was not that easy. Especially the photography was challenging, and the assistant became tired very fast.